After discussing our plans for "First Sunday" community cleanup with the city of Dunedin, they suggested that the causeway was well covered in June. The city also mentioned that they were having two events for Friday/Saturday so the following day the Downtown would likely be a good location for a cleanup. With all of that in mind we're moving our cleanup event from the Dunedin Causeway to Downtown Dunedin. We'll meet up and make a base camp in Edgewater Park. We'll clean between Edgewater and Pioneer Park, close to the center of Downtown. Cleanup supplies and water will be provided to volunteers.
What: "First Sunday" Community Cleanup - June
Where: Downtown Dunedin - Edgewater Park to Pioneer Park. Base at Edgewater Park. Here's a map.
When: June 5th, Sunday, 7AM-12PM.
Who: All interested volunteers.
Why: There are multiple events in Downtown Dunedin on the proceeding days and so it's a good opportunity to cleanup litter before it can hit the storm drains and reach the Gulf.